Fall 2015 DewEze Customer Highlight
November 20, 2015Rumley Farms, Orville & Sarah Rumley /// Randy & Jill Rumley

Minco, Oklahoma, population of 1,639, is the home of Orville and Sarah Rumley, both fifth generation cattle ranchers. The Rumley’s married in 1975 and expanded their family by welcoming their first child in 1981. Ten years later, the Rumley’s established a local propane business (Rumley Oil & Gas, Inc.), accounting for a great amount of Orville’s attention. Sarah’s main focus was raising their children, and caring for their cattle herd. “Sarah has a way with cattle,” mentioned Orville. “We have calved heifers every year that we have been married. In 40 years, Sarah has nurtured and cared for each calf.”
Youngest son, Randy, and wife Jill, play a vital role in caring for the Rumley Farms’ herds. In addition to the 500 head commercial cow-calf operation that Orville & Sarah have grazing on 3000 acres on the outskirts of Minco, Randy and Jill have grown their own herd as well. Spread across 800 acres, Randy and Jill have developed a 100 head registered angus cow-calf operation, along with selling registered angus bulls.
Since 1990, Rumley Farms has owned an assortment of DewEze hay handling equipment, totaling 10 units, all purchased from the same DewEze dealer. “Ralph and Justin Myers are always friendly and knowledgeable, providing excellent customer service and the best bale beds in the market,” stated Randy.
Between the years of 2011-2013, Oklahoma crops suffered immensely due to the extreme drought conditions, causing farmers to feed more round bales throughout the year, raising costs significantly. This is especially important considering the Rumley cattle operation is spread across 25 different pastures, requiring a great amount of time to appropriately care for each herd. “We operate DewEze Bale Beds because it saves us time and money transporting and feeding two bales at a time,” expressed Sarah. “A DewEze Bale Bed is the best gift my husband could have ever given me!”
DewEze Dealer: Myers DewEze, Anadarko, OK
Developed by: Melissa Bergkamp, Sales & Marketing Coordinator /// David Boyle, Oklahoma Territory Manager
About Harper Industries
Harper Industries, Inc. is a diverse, values-based manufacturing company building quality products in the fields of agriculture, hydraulics, landscaping and sports turf management under the DewEze, Butler and Harper brand names. Call 800-835-1042 for more information on their full line of equipment or visit harperindustries.com.
For media inquires about Harper Turf and other Harper Industries products, please email press@harperindustries.com.